This route encompasses the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail at Lake Ontario and forms a leg of the Greenbelt Route (Northumberland to Niagara) around the Sylvan Glen Conservation Area.
Mid-August nature is spectacular because in full bloom are Tansies, Dames Rocket, Chicory, Sumac, and Sunflowers. An early start brings shade from the mature trees along most of this route, and offers some lovely long shadows for dramatic photos.
Hills are rolling – some long and gradual as experienced along the beginning of my trek westbound on Lakeshore Road (route was taken clockwise) which offered a scenic approach to Lake Ontario from under the train bridge as it framed the lake beyond.
Some hills are ‘quick and dirty’, but as they say, what goes up, must come down, and those are the most fun. I passed a solar farm, went through pretty country roads with apple trees, and there were fields of mature corn stalks as far as the eye could see.
An old “Church of Hope” has a beautifully landscaped cemetery across from it along 4th Line. On Sylvan Glen Road, the Sylvan Conservation Area is a great spot to take a little break, especially now (Sept.) as the season is perfect for watching (or fishing for) brown or brook trout splashing along the Ganaraska River.
Other than that, the day was glorious, as the Ganaraska route was, and I would recommend it for those who are used to cycling hills.
By Petra Hartwig
Chicory Blooms
Ganaraska River
Northumberland Tourism
600 William Street
Cobourg, ON CANADA
K9A 3A5
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